Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 Hello Again...

There was last nights early morning card and this one made this afternoon. So it feels like two different days...but the calendar disagrees!

Its been quite some time since I took an adventure making a card...did something uncomfortable.  For me its water colors...the little blips of color that do magic when wet.  Its been quite a bit since I did some unrestrained coloring.

I used Altenews Starry Flowers, and my oft neglected watercolors to come up with this card:

This card is going to the gallery at Altenew's June Inspiration Challenge.

Inspiration Challenge 2024 06 Option 1  

When is the last time you pushed yourself or did a technique that was a bit uncomfortable?

Thanks for visiting.




Jean said...

Lovely colors and the technique is very painterly!

Bonnie said...

Pretty watercoloring, Cat! Wonderful colors!

TK said...

Bold colors that shout with beauty for your painting re-debut! Very nice

Marcia Hill said...

YAY for water coloring Cat! Your card is beautiful...I love the image AND the pretty colors you used! Love that sentiment too! Lovely, lovely card my friend!! Hugs. :0)

HilaryJane said...

I am glad you got your watercolours out. This card is so cheery and beautiful xx

I Card Everyone said...

Incredibly beautiful, Cat! Such a wonderful rendition of that pretty inspiration garden!
I'm so happy to see you dipping those brushes!

Loll said...

Love the vibrant colours you've used to watercolour Cat!! Gorgeous card! xx

Leslie Miller said...

Wow, this doesn't look one bit uncomfortable. It's gorgeous! Love the stamp and the colors you used. I don't step out of my comfort zone too often these days. I'm taking my hat off to you, Cat!

papierelle said...

Gorgeous flowers and a very nice card!!!