Tuesday, June 25, 2024



Another bit of relief from the heat and I headed upstairs to make a card for my FIL to give to his golfing buddy for his milestone birthday next month.

The golf bag is from Whipper Snapper designs, and the sentiment is from Hero Arts.  I used the swiss dots embossing folder to create my "golf ball" using the debossed side to mimic the ball dimples.  I added some texture with heat embossing on the card base.

This card will be visiting the gallery at Can you handle the pressure, with the optional theme of sports.

Thanks so much for visiting.

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papierelle said...

Great card and a nice idea to design the golf ball using the embossing folder.

Marcia Hill said...

Awwwwww...sweet, sweet card Cat and I love that dimpled golf ball and the fabulous coloring on the golf bag! Hugs. :0)

Loll said...

Hi Cat. Great card for your FIL's golfing friend. Great idea how you made the golf ball! :) xx

Jean said...

The texture and colors make for a very distinctive birthday card! Wonderful details.

Bonnie said...

Love the dimpled golf ball and that snazzy golf bag! 90 years should certainly be celebrated!

TK said...

Love your card, and your "dimpled" ball is just adorable -- great thinking, Cat!

Lisa Elton said...

Clever girl, look at that golf ball! I think the birthday fella will enjoy his wonderful card!

I Card Everyone said...

Ha! Perfect dimples, darling card for that young golfer, too! What a great golf bag that is, Cat! Fab coloring!

Leslie Miller said...

Gosh, the opportunity came along for the perfect challenge card! Love when that happens. This is great, Cat!

Diane said...

A fabulous masculine card for the golfer!
Thank you for joining our challenge at Can You Handle The Pressure!
Diane CYHTP Co-Owner
{Nellies Nest}
{Can You Handle The Pressure}