Wednesday, May 22, 2024



I spent a few days organizing my messy craft room. I had bins on the floor bins on the desk, bins in my light box, stuff to put away and just general mess.  Today, I got to play in a sweetly organized space, YAY!

This card is going to Triple B....I rarely do bird cards, but this one was fun.


Its a thank you card inside. This is an old SU set Hey Chick. Peggy and I recently swapped a few sets. I love this chicken shes a fun gal I can tell.  I cut all the pieces in white and used markers for the coloring giving the dic cuts a bit of a rustic feel.

Triple B gave us a lovely moodboard, but I went with other colors...I've never seen a purple chicken, and this card was screaming to be made.

 Thanks for stopping by!


TK said...

Definitely a fun card, Cat! Love her wild hair. Congrats on working in a clean space -- I've been reorganizing for what seems forever now, and it's still in progress!

papierelle said...

It's really fun, I have to smile!!!

Marcia Hill said...

She definitely has quite the hair-do, doesn't she?! Thanks for my morning smile Cat...this is one cute, CUTE card!! Hugs. :0)

Jean said...

Super cute and a great combination of elements to reinforce the theme.

HilaryJane said...

Well done for having a good clear up. Can you come and help me do mine? Love that chicken image, such fun and that's a great background too. I like your new watermark as well xx

I Card Everyone said...

OH, Cat! I've been looking for those dies for years! I love all the chicks in this collection - this one with the fancy 'do' is my favorite and I love that you gave her red 'hair!'
SO darling, and corny at the same time!

Loll said...

So fun!! I love the chick's fancy hairdo! :) xx

Bonnie said...

This fun chick would look quite fun in purple, Cat! But I like her better just like this!

Lisa Elton said...

If Lucy Ricardo were a chicken...!!! This is heaps of fun Cat!

Linda W. (ScrappinBari) said...

Such a fun chick along with the corn stalk, Cat - love the chicken wire paper with it too!!

Leslie Miller said...

She is definitely a fun gal! What a perfect barnyard set up you've got here. She looks right at home. So darn cute, Cat!!

Dotty Jo said...

Adorably sweet! Hope you are well, Cat, Jo x