Sunday, May 27, 2018

No Email Notifications

Okay....I noticed on Saturday May 26th that I was getting no emails for comments left. While I do not have a large following, I do have a handful of faithful commenters. I also considered that it was a holiday weekend.  Then I checked my recent posts and there they were 12 comments that I had not gotten my usual automatic notification from.

I reached out to some bloggy friends and there are some super smart bloggers out there.  My friend Darnell of  djkardkreations had also reached out to some of her friends and one found a solution.

I am going to redirect you to Darnell's blog to read the fix.  Its fairly simple.  Here is the post.

On to another surprise I saw on my  last blogger visit.

A few days ago blogger posted a notification that they would put out a notice to visitors on our behalf.  You can check that it does go out by putting in your blogger address and instead of .com put de or .fr  -  basically any extension from a European nation replaces the .com.  That is how I got the  banner below. The banner stays on until OK is clicked.


Here is the banner text.

This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse.

I am using this post to memorialize that I have indeed checked to see if the notification was visible.


Cat Craig said...


Cathy said...

Hi Cat, will check the post on Darnell's blog. TFS this other info too, Cathy x

I Card Everyone said...

How does this fix work if you don't use gmail, I wonder?
I've given it a go, Cat... thanks for your help

Cat Craig said...


Greta said...

Thanks for explaining how to check! I read what they said & had no clue what to do, so guess my old-timers has set in! Yah--mine worked, too!