WOW, 2025 already.
I haven't made any cards until recently...and those are cards made from a SU kit, it was easy and gave me some fun. Everything is in the kit, ink, block, stamp, cards, embellishments , glue dots, foam pieces, and instructions.
I am and have been in process of packing up my crafty space,along with traveling quite a bit over the last several months. More on that later. I hope it all settles out next month and I can set up my new crafty space and get back in the swing of it.
As I was packing up things I had to go through all the hand made cards sent to me over the years. I kept a few from each of my crafty friends and have decided to recycle the card fronts of other loved cards to share their loveliness with someone else. I have written the name of the original sender on the hopefully I won't send one back to its maker. LOL.
I had a conundrum on scoring card score boards are packed up. So I finally found a hard piece of paper board (thanks to the SU card kit) I measured to find where to score and used a ruler to keep it straight. Works beautifully. No more cracking folds. I use 110lb card for my bases.
I hope to turn all these lovely card fronts into cards and share them. I so very much miss this hobby and its been months since I had some crafty fun...even if its just a bit of gluing.
That is a shoebox full of card fronts.
Wish me luck, and thanks for stopping by.
So nice to see a post from you pop up today, Cat! Your kit cards are wonderful, I like the pretty colors. Hope you get settled in and back to crafting soon!
Some of those SU! kits are beautiful, including this one Cat. Glad you got to have some crafty fun times and It looks like more ahead with all the card fronts (great idea by the way!!) Take care and we'll all look forward to seeing you back in action soon! Hugs. :0)
I am so very happy to see you and know that you had this crafty fun, Cat! I'm betting you really needed it - I can relate! Your cards from that kit are just stunning!
I love that you're using those card fronts, Cat. Maybe you can find a senior center close to your new home that would appreciate them?
I'm so glad to be sitting here looking at your post this morning, Cat! Your kit cards are gorgeous. I haven't looked at their kits, but I'm impressed. What a perfect thing to get a crafter started. I love your idea of recycling the cards, and I like Michele's idea of donating them. You've got a lot of work ahead of you in getting ready for the move, but anytime you feel like popping in... Hugs!
Delighted to see your post, Cat, and appreciated your email too! Glad it's going well with packing; you'll soon be back to using your crafty stash! Love your SU card kit cards - all so pretty!!
I am so glad you have found the time to share this with us. I am looking forward to when you will be back in full swing in your new craft room in your new home. I keep thinking that I must get a card ready to send you, but of course, there is always something else to do first. I do seem to be a bit behind on things. Your kit cards are great and what a very lovely idea to do something useful with all those card fronts. It is always so hard to throw them out. Good luck with the project. I hope it doesn't take too long to do. xx
I have had a few of those kits given to me by people who get them monthly and sometimes don't use them! These cards are beautiful with these lovely blooms and die cuts! What a great idea to repurpose card fronts from others - I too have a box full from friends that I just couldn't toss! Wishing you the best in getting settled soon!
These are beautiful, Cat! Kit's have sure improved over the years! It's a smart idea to use the card fronts to pass along on new cards! I for one like the idea that they will be enjoyed again. Good luck on the move. I hope you get settled quickly! Don't forget to send out your new address.
It's so great to see your post today, Cat!! I've missed you! Lovely cards from your SU! kit ... they are all so beautiful! It's so nice to go through your special cards you've received over the years and think of all the love from your friends. And it's a great idea to share that love with new friends. All the best for your move and look forward to when you are settled in your new place and sharing your cards. I am moving too ... in four weeks - YIKES! Only about 1/3 of my craft room is packed and I have a long way to go. I haven't started on anyother rooms yet either. xx
Welcome back, Cat! Glad to see you again, and glad to hear that you can now enjoy your crafting again. Can't to see your "new" upcycled cards
Great to see you online, Cat! That kit content is really gorgeous and makes such pretty cards and good job making your own score board! I think prepping card fronts to upcycle into new cards will keep you creative while waiting for your new beautiful craft room! Hugs, Darnell
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