Friday, January 17, 2025


 WOW, 2025 already. 

I haven't made any cards until recently...and those are cards made from a SU kit, it was easy and gave me some fun.  Everything is in the kit, ink, block, stamp, cards, embellishments , glue dots, foam pieces, and instructions.


I am and have been in process of packing up my crafty space,along with traveling quite a bit over the last several months.  More on that later.  I hope it all settles out next month and I can set up my new crafty space and get back in the swing of it. 

As I was packing up things I had to go through all the hand made cards sent to me over the years. I kept a few from each of my crafty friends and have decided to recycle the card fronts of other loved cards to share their loveliness with someone else.  I have written the name of the original sender on the hopefully I won't send one back to its maker. LOL.

 I had a conundrum on scoring card score boards are packed up.  So I finally found a hard piece of paper board (thanks to the SU card kit)  I measured to find where to score and used a ruler to keep it straight. Works beautifully. No more cracking folds. I use 110lb card for my bases.









           I hope to turn all these lovely card fronts into cards and share them. I so very much miss this hobby and its been months since I had some crafty fun...even if its just a bit of gluing.

That is a shoebox full of card fronts.  

Wish me luck, and thanks for stopping by.